I often use SQL Developer as a quick and easy way to generate an Explain Plan for a query. I see that the new version of SQL Developer 4 contains a few more options than than its predecessor. In SQL Developer 3, you could go to Tools –> Preferences and then in Database –> Autotrace/Explain …
August 2013 archive
Aug 26
SQL Developer 4
As time goes on, I am becoming more and more of a big fan of SQL Developer. I use this product daily and I often have many windows open to do my work. SQL Developer 4 is in Early Adopter phase. You can get a copy of it here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/downloads/sqldev-download-v4-1925679.html My only complaint with the …
Aug 07
I was recently made aware of a new Oracle-supplied utility named oratop. This professed to be a tool similar to the Unix/Linux top utility, but for Oracle databases. I have now had a chance to use this and play around with it a bit. If you want to download the utility, visit Metalink Note 1500864.1 …
Aug 01
12c DBA_USERS Changes
Today, I was looking at the ability to query a user’s last login time. Prior to 12c, one had to create a logon trigger to store the logon time in a table or set up auditing and audit successful logins. Now, Oracle 12c includes, by default, a way to determine the last time someone logged …