Yesterday I was working on testing an upgrade of Grid Infrastructure to in my testbed. This is my first step in my larger plan to upgrade our production systems to this calendar year.
For my X-windows environment which I need to run the Oracle Universal Installer, I run Ubuntu Linux in Virtual Box on my desktop. Yesterday I had the cluster installation completed and the OUI prompted me to run the scripts on my cluster nodes. I needed to go home for the day so I figured I would come back to this later on. That evening, I ran the scripts from home. My plan was to press the OK button on the OUI when I returned to the office this morning.
I arrived at the office and settled down with my morning caffeine habit. I was just getting ready to finish the upgrade when my workstation enjoyed a nice Blue Screen of Death. It’s been doing that a lot lately so I think I’m due for a new workstation, but that digresses from this discussion. Obviously, I lost my Virtual Box guest OS which means I lost my OUI progress as well.
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I discovered Note 1360798.1 “How to Complete 11gR2 GI Config Assistant if OUI Is Not Available” on Metalink which was exactly what I needed. The only thing in that note that seemed odd is that in step 1, the instructions appear to be giving me the command to create a new configToolAllCommands file. What is not clear, but yet what it is asking me to do is to create a file that contains this command. The command in step 1 should be the contents of this script file. I looked back in my old $GRID_HOME/cfgtoollogs to verify this.
My cluster upgrade is now complete. To look up this Note, fix my issue, and write this blog post took me about 30 minutes total. Rebuilding the cluster would have taken hours. And I learned something new in the process.