I recently ran into an issue right after I applied the latest/greatest CPU to an Oracle RAC system. Both GI and RAC were patched. The GI alert log showed error messages like:
2018-05-13 22:03:01.121 [SRVM(32264)]CRS-10051: CVU found following errors with Clusterware setup : PRVG-2027 : Owner of file “/pkg/grid/crs12.1.0.2/lib/ libclntsh.so.12.1” is inconsistent across nodes. [Found = “{root=[host50], oracle=[host51]}” on Nodes = “host51,host50”]
The file above was not the only one with this error. After analysis, host50 is correct and host51 has the incorrect file ownership.
Fixing this required downtime and I needed to run the following commands:
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$GRID_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.sh -unlock
$GRID_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.sh -patch
Running those commands will stop then start Grid Infrastructure and fix the file ownership and any permissions.