Brian Peasland

Author's posts

Oracle Doesn’t Look Good – 23ai TBA

I have to say that Oracle Corporation is not looking like a company that knows what its doing. At least when it comes to getting Oracle 23ai shipped out the door for on-premise customers. The saga continues and no mention from Oracle why the continued delays. If I’m an Oracle Cloud customer, I can enjoy …

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Roll Forward Standby with 1 Command

I have a testbed that I use for research purposes. This testbed consists of a 2-node RAC primary database (RESP) and a 2-node RAC physical standby database (RESS). Both Oracle 19c on Oracle Linux. I also use the DG Broker in this configuration. I am planning using this testbed to work on a new Oracle …

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Token-based server access validation – SCCM

I have a new SQL Server 2019 system that I set up. After migrating applications from the old server to the new server, I started getting reports where the AD users could not connect to the SQL instance. They received a generic message that the “Login failed”. Looking at the Event Viewer log info, I …

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19c DB RU results in ORA-65033 with PDBs

I am patching an Oracle Multitenant 19.13 database with the April 2022 RU which will bring my database version up to 19.15 (yes I skipped 19.14). When running datapatch against the PDBs, I received the following error stack for every PDB: Patch 33806152 apply (pdb TST): WITH ERRORS logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/33806152/24713297/33806152_apply_ORCL_TST_2022May14_00_47_11.log (errors) -> Error at line …

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ORA-6502 with Grant Logging Trigger

I have a new project I’m working on where I want to have an Oracle job revoke privileges I granted to IT staff that are older than 30 days. Our IT staff needs occasional access to a few production tables to troubleshoot problems. We grant SELECT privs on the tables that person needs, but no …

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Back in 2015, I upgraded our Oracle databases to and experienced some performance issues related to our use of GTTs. I blogged about those issues here. The crux of the issue I was trying to solve was that a behavior change in 12c lead to Oracle saving stats that the GTT has zero …

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ORA-1114 Running Datapatch

I have an Oracle 19.3 Multitenant database that I am attempting to apply the 19.7 Release Update. The RU was installed by opatch just fine. But datapatch will incur the ORA-1114 error. I get errors like the following in one of the logs: SQL> alter pluggable database GOLD2020_06_18_123653 open read write instances=all;alter pluggable database GOLD2020_06_18_123653 …

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The Value of Data Over Time

By now, everyone knows that data is very valuable. Major corporations use data to make decisions that hopefully drive the business forward and achieve a higher level of profitability. As database administrators, we safeguard the data, especially Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Systems are hacked to obtain data. There is a lot of value in data …

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I have been working on upgrading Oracle databases to Oracle 19.3 when I ran into a problem that took me quite awhile to figure out. I did a search on My Oracle Support and a quick Google search and didn’t see anyone else have this problem. So hopefully this will save someone time in …

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It’s In The Details

I have an Oracle Multitenant database that I’m trying to remove a PDB from. However, I mistakenly removed the storage from the database server and the PDB cannot access its files. When unplugging the PDB, I get the following error: SQL> alter pluggable database GOLD2019_08_22_125953 unplug into ‘/tmp/GOLD2019_08_22_125953.xml’; alter pluggable database GOLD2019_08_22_125953 unplug into …

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