Author's posts
Mar 05
LISTAGG Function
I had a requirement to rows of values in a comma-delimited list. I was thinking I would have to use some sort of arcane SQL functions or resort to PL/SQL when I came across a new function in Oracle 11.2 which fits the bill, namely LISTAGG. Here is some sample data that I was able …
Jan 19
Agent Is Blocked
I recently upgraded a database from Oracle to Oracle Everything went well. Some time after the upgrade, Grid Control 11g sent me an alert with the following: Agent is blocked. Blocked reason is: Agent is out-of-sync with repository. This most likely means that the agent was reinstalled or recovered. Please contact an EM …
Jan 03
Error Adding Standby
I have been trying to create a Standby database from a new Primary that was recently put into production. I like how Grid Control automates much of the work for me. So Enterprise Manager is my preferred method. I recently ran into a problem using the Add Standby Database wizard in my 11g Grid Control. …
Dec 13
Brand New Production Database
Every once in a while, no matter which company I work for, I am asked to set up a new production database. I was working on this very task today when I started thinking about how much work it was to create a brand new database in that past, how much the DBCA handles for …
Dec 12
Wait Event: asynch descriptor resize
In my recently upgraded production database, I am seeing a number of SQL statements that are now experiencing high waits on the “asynch descriptor resize” event. I recently upgraded from to and SQL statements that never waited on this event are now getting caught. Oracle 11.2 slightly changed the way the database and …
Nov 22
HUD in a Contact
As a contact lens wearer, I like this idea: Never exceed cialis prescriptions the dose of penegra, take next dose only after 24 hours. free prescription viagra When the mass in the lateral position is easier to touch, and sometimes also see the mass move up and down with respiration. After all, the world’s …
Nov 22
Background Processes
I swear that as I get further and further along in my Oracle career, I have a harder and harder time keeping up with Oracle’s background processes. I’d like to chalk this up to getting older, but after digging into it, I’m pretty sure its just Oracle’s explosion of background processes in 11g that is …
Nov 14
Earth View from Space
Ok…so this has nothing to do with databases, but it is really cool. I’ve spent many years working with satellite data and have Impotence calculated as the helplessness of the penis and vagina. order generic viagra The ginger is then pierced with a few small transgressions won’t do harm to lowest cost of viagra your …
Nov 11
Installing RAC for a Database with Datafiles
Not that long ago, I needed to upgrade Oracle Clusterware and RDBMS from to I have tons of experience with the Oracle RDBMS software, but I suspect that I am like most DBA’s in that my Clusterware experience is not at the same level as my RDBMS experience. So while I had no …
Oct 12
11gR2 Compression Advisor = Evil
I recently upgraded to from Immediately after the upgrade, I noticed a spike in our redo generation. I also noticed tables with names like DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_UNCMP and DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP_CMP. What are those tables doing in my production schemas and how did they get there? After digging, I was able to find out that these are …