Author's posts
Oct 19
Slash or No Slash?
That is the question. A recent post on the OTN forums asked about using semicolons and slashes as statement terminators. I dusted off an article I wrote for our development team over 4 years ago on this topic. This article received good reviews and is available on the OTN forums if desired. I thought …
Sep 29
SQL Server Clustering from an Oracle RAC Perspective
Its no secret that I know Oracle’s database clustering solution pretty well. Recently, I completed a SQL Server clustering, high availability solution that took two years from initial design to final implementation. That process involved documenting requirements, determining the options, mapping requirements to implementation details, budgeting, procurement, installation, configuration, and testing. Now that my project …
Sep 27
Agent Decomission in EM13c
I recently lost a clustered Oracle RAC system and had to blow away GRID_HOME and RDMBS_HOME. This meant my cluster-aware install of the Enterprise Manager 13c agents was lost as well. So I simply removed AGENT_HOME. I then removed the OraInventory and proceeded to start from scratch. Once I had Grid Infrastructure up and running …
Sep 09
Archiver Hung due to COMPATIBLE ORA-16484
This morning I woke up to a few alerts from EM about my archiver being hung, similar to the following: Target type=Database Instance Target name=orcl4 Categories=Fault Message=The archiver hung at time/line number: Fri Sep 09 06:07:22 2016/376. Severity=Critical I used the DG Broker to stop and then restart log transport. edit database orcl set state=transport-off; …
Sep 01
N+1 Redundancy and Server Consolidation
In a previous blog post, I talked about designing your RAC implementations with N+1 redundancy. This ensures the loss of a node does not overwhelm the remaining nodes should one node fail. Today, I’m going to discuss the impact of server consolidation, specifically CPU cores, and its potential N+1 impacts. One of the main systems …
Aug 22
opatch prereq
I was recently applying the July PSU to one of my RAC databases and I kept getting an error from OPatch that the prereq checkSystemSpace failed. It should be no surprise to anyone out there that OPatch goes through a number of pre-requisite checks before applying the patch. OPatch is trying to ensure a good chance …
Jul 21
July 2016 PSU fails to make isqora
When applying the latest PSU, I recieved the following errors from my “opatch apply” session: Patching component oracle.odbc.ic,… Make failed to invoke “/usr/bin/make -f isqora ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/″….’/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lodbcinst collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [/u01/app/oracle/product/] Error 1 The following make actions have failed : Re-link fails on target …
Jul 13
Fog Computing
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that everything is about the Cloud now. At least that’s the hype vendors and the media want us to believe. Earlier this week, I was clued into a new term. Just as people are working towards Cloud Computing comes the newer Fog Computing. So what is …
Jun 07
Oracle RAC VIP and ARP Primer
I’ve been running across a number of questions about Virtual IP (VIP) addresses for Oracle RAC lately. I hope this blog post can help shed some light on what a VIP is, how they work, and why Oracle RAC leverages them. Before I go further, I should explain that I am not a Network specialist. …
Apr 28
EM SQL Monitor Impact
In case anyone needs a reminder, its always a good idea to determine the impact of your monitoring tools on the very database you are monitoring. Some monitoring tools are lightweight and others are more obtrusive. I am using Enterprise Manager 13c to monitor a specific SQL statement while its running. I noticed in another …