I have been working on upgrading Oracle databases to Oracle 19.3 when I ran into a problem that took me quite awhile to figure out. I did a search on My Oracle Support and a quick Google search and didn’t see anyone else have this problem. So hopefully this will save someone time in the future. Side note: I had the same problem upgrading from to 18.3 but did not check to
During the upgrade, the DBUA gives me an error that the type SYS.ODCIPARTINFOLIST is invalid. After a few more minutes, I get a lot of error messages and XDB will not upgrade correctly. As I learned, XDB relies heavily on indextype CTXSYS.CONTEXT, which depends on type CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS, which depends on type SYS.ODCIPARTINFOLIST. I boiled the root cause of the problem down to these three objects in the database.
I figured out how to resolve the issue and move forward. I cannot stop this problem from occurring. But if I fix the issue and press the Retry button on the DBUA, it still will not upgrade the database for me so I am left with a manual upgrade.
Fixing the first two invalid objects is easy. Just compile them. Fixing the CONTEXT indextype is a bit more complicated. Here are the steps I used to get everything valid again and get my database upgraded.
$NEW_HOME/bin/dbupgrade -l /tmp/19c_upgrade
alter type sys.odcipartinfolist compile;
grant execute on odcipartinfolist to public;
alter type ctxsys.textindexmethods compile;
drop indextype ctxsys.context;
@?/ctx/admin/catctx.sql password SYSAUX TEMP LOCK
exec dbms_registry.valid('CONTEXT');
At this point my database was upgraded and ready to roll. So let’s go over the steps above. After starting the database in UPGRADE mode, I used the dbupgrade utility to perform the manual upgrade. I still received the same errors that DBUA reports. Once the upgrade was complete, I compiled the ODCIPARTINFOLIST type. That was easy. For some reason I cannot figure out, the grant to PUBLIC on the type is dropped during the upgrade. I had to issue the grant otherwise the next compile would not be successful. Then compile the TEXTINDEXMETHODS type for Oracle Text.
I wish I could have just compiled the CONTEXT indextype but it would never compile for me. So I had to drop the indextype and then run the catctx.sql script to get it created again. Then run utlrp.sql to recompile everything else.
A note on dropping the indextype. If you have indexes that reference the indextype, you will receive an error. Query DBA_INDEXES where ITYP_OWNER=’CTXSYS’ to find any indexes you have using this indextype. Use DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL to obtain the statement to recreate those indexes. Drop the indexes and then drop the index type. After you have the database up and running, recreate the indexes.
I spent the better part of a week working through all of this so hopefully this blog post finds you if you have a similar problem and you can be on your way much quicker than I was.