Category: Oracle

cursor: pin S wait on X

On my main production RAC database, I do see periods of slowness and the dominant wait event, system wide, is “cursor: pin S wait on X”. The event comes and goes, but I do see it from time to time. So I needed to get the bottom of this. Note, that this is not a …

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Bad Standby

On Friday, I discovered that my standby database had not applied transactions for 8 days. This is very bad for me because I only keep 7 days worth of archived redo logs. So I had no redo to apply. I used the steps in Note 836986.1 to roll forward my standby with an RMAN incremental …

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What’s a Major Version Anyway?

We all know that Oracle 12c was released quite awhile ago. Oracle was the next major version in the Oracle database life cycle. But what’s in a major version anyway?   It used to be that a major version was a big deal. ACME Corporation released their wonderful Widget 4.0 which did many things, …

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GI Upgrade missing OS patches

I was trying to upgrade Grid Infrastructure on Sun Solaris 10 from to and got a nice suprise. When I ran the script on the first node, I got the following errors:   2014-12-28 17:08:45: Successfully removed file: /var/tmp/maaVdayif 2014-12-28 17:08:45: /bin/su exited with rc=1 2014-12-28 17:08:45: cluvfy patch check failed, output …

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High Space Usage From crfclust.bdb

I have a 2-node testbed running Oracle RAC on OL6. Pretty much everything is in the system disk. This is just a testbed after all. The root partition has been filling up. I got an alert from EM about the disk space issue and went in and cleaned up some log files. As I …

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InMemory DUPLICATE Confusion in Oracle RAC

Most people are probably aware of the new Oracle feature, the InMemory database option. When using this option on Oracle RAC, the DBA can specify the DUPLICATE clause to have an object be duplicated among the InMemory column store in all instances. This clause is for Oracle’s Engineered Systems like Exadata. However, in non-Engineered …

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Ran into an interesting issue the other day that took me a while to fix. I was trying to start a non-production database and received this error: ORA-00838: Specified value of MEMORY_TARGET is too small, needs to be at least 1428M ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters For starters, the Oracle documentation for my version …

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ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL)

I have a regularly scheduled job on an Oracle RAC database that will send me an email alert for a condition. This happens every 30 minutes. The job has been failing on one of the nodes, but not the others. The job spits out these errors:   ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job “OWNER”.”JOB_NAME” …

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Oct2014CPU Crashes ArcGIS Desktop

Right after I applied the Oct2014 SPU to our development database, members of our IT staff started complaining that direct-connect connections with ArcCatalog and ArcMap would crash. The app wouldn’t even connect to the database. I tried various things…even upgrading Oracle Client to to match the database version (it was but nothing worked. …

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Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance

Oracle’s standby databases have been around for a long time now. The primary ships redo to the standby to keep them in sync. It seems to be a natural fit that Oracle has now extended this concept to a backup and recovery appliance. The idea is that you take one backup of your database at …

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