12c DBA_USERS Changes

Today, I was looking at the ability to query a user’s last login time. Prior to 12c, one had to create a logon trigger to store the logon time in a table or set up auditing and audit successful logins. Now, Oracle 12c includes, by default, a way to determine the last time someone logged in.

SQL> show user
SQL> select username,last_login from dba_users
2  where last_login is not null;
USERNAME                       LAST_LOGIN
------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
SYSTEM                         30-JUL-13 PM -05:00
PEASLAND                       31-JUL-13 PM -05:00

As you can see, I have two users that have logged into the database and the date/time they last logged in. One thing I noticed is that even though I am connected as the SYS user, this column is not populated for SYS.

While investigating the DBA_USERS view, I see that in addition to the LAST_LOGIN column, there are also 3 other new columns to the Data Dictionary view, only one of which I had previously read about, ORACLE_MAINTAINED. The ORACLE_MAINTAINED column will indicate a Y value if the user was created by Oracle and its various scripts. Currently in my test database, I only have one such user.

SQL> select username from dba_users where oracle_maintained<>'Y';

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One new column that I had not previously read about was the PROXY_ONLY_CONNECT user. This view lets you see if a user will allow proxy connections. In case you are not familiar with proxy connections, this might help explain it. For more information,  visit the SQL Reference Guide for ALTER USER and search for “proxy_clause”.
The last new column in DBA_USERS is COMMON. I had no clue what this column was for so my first stop was the Reference Guide for DBA_USERS. The description for the column is “Indicates whether a given user is common”. Ok….what does that mean? What defines a common user? If I query my test database, I get the following output:
SQL> select username,common,oracle_maintained from dba_users;
USERNAME                       COM O
------------------------------ --- -
PEASLAND                       NO  N
AUDSYS                         YES Y
GSMUSER                        YES Y
SYSKM                          YES Y
XS$NULL                        YES Y
OJVMSYS                        YES Y
ORACLE_OCM                     YES Y
SYSDG                          YES Y
DIP                            YES Y
SYSBACKUP                      YES Y
GSMCATUSER                     YES Y
APPQOSSYS                      YES Y
XDB                            YES Y
WMSYS                          YES Y
DBSNMP                         YES Y
ANONYMOUS                      YES Y
SYS                            YES Y
SYSTEM                         YES Y
OUTLN                          YES Y
So is a “common” user one that is Oracle maintained? If so, aren’t the COMMON and ORACLE_MAINTAINED columns redundant? I doubt that Oracle would include two columns that mean the same thing. So I embarked on a search to find the answer…
In the Administrator’s Guide, there is a small section titled “Common Users and Local Users“. The Common user is one that is common to a container database and all existing and future pluggable databases in Oracle 12c’s new multi-tenant database architecture. That makes sense now.

12c VARCHAR2(32767)

I’ve always wondered why the VARCHAR2 datatype was limited to so few characters. For most attributes, you do not need more than 2,000 bytes. I remember when Oracle upped the limit from 2,000 bytes to 4,000. But SQL Server 2008R2 lets you use 8,000. We are talking about character data and the 2,000 or 4,000 byte limit seemed kind of arbitrary to me. Now in Oracle 12c, you can use VARCHAR2(32767) for a maximum of 32KB. But before you can use this new feature, you need to do a bit of work. Out-of-the box, you will get an error.

SQL> create table test_tab (val varchar2(32000));
create table test_tab (val varchar2(32000))
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00910: specified length too long for its datatype

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Oracle 12c includes a new parameter, MAX_STRING_SIZE which controls how big your VARCHAR2 datatype can be. This parameter can be set to STANDARD or EXTENDED. The default is STANDARD which limits VARCHAR2 to 4000 bytes. Changing this parameter to standard to EXTENDED is a one-way trip. You cannot revert back. To make the change, you need to STARTUP UPGRADE the instance, modify the parameter, and run a script.

SQL> shutdown immediate
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup upgrade
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 1043886080 bytes
Fixed Size                  2296280 bytes
Variable Size             654313000 bytes
Database Buffers          381681664 bytes
Redo Buffers                5595136 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
SQL> alter system set max_string_size=EXTENDED scope=both;
System altered.
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utl32k.sql

This may take a while to run. Once done, bounce the instance to open as normal.

I can now create a table with this bigger data type.

SQL> create table test_tab (val varchar2(32000));
Table created.

12c Autopopulating Column with Sequence Value

In yesterday’s blog post, I wrote about creating a table with an IDENTITY value.  But the Oracle 12c new feature that I like better is allowing a sequence to be the number generator for the default value of a column. To see what I mean, look at this example:

SQL> create sequence test_seq;
Sequence created.
SQL> create table test_tab (id number default test_seq.NEXTVAL, val varchar2(20));
Table created.

As you can see, the ID column of my test table has a DEFAULT clause which uses the NEXTVAL of the sequence I created. Now let’s insert some data into the table.

SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('first row');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('second row');
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SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from test_tab;
---------- --------------------
1 first row
2 second row

As you can see, the Oracle sequence was used to populate the values. At first glance, this would make life easier for the data modeler because one would not need to go the traditional route of coding a trigger to generate the NEXTVAL and assigning this value to the column. However, this autopopulation of the column value with the sequence only works if you do not specify a value, if you let it default. If you explicitly state the value, this method will not use the sequence. A trigger, if coded properly, would force the use of the sequence’s next value for the column.

12c IDENTITY columns

I live and work close to a Microsoft facility. As such, many of our current employees are former Microsoft employees that come from a SQL Server background. SQL Server lets you create a table with an IDENTITY column. Oracle 12c now lets you do the same. This should help those who are making the transition from SQL Server to Oracle. It also lets a company more easily port an application from SQL Server, or any other database that allows the IDENTITY column, to Oracle.

First I will create a table with the IDENTITY column and populate it with some rows of data.

SQL> create table test_tab (
3      val  VARCHAR2(20));
Table created.
SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('my first row');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('my second row');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.

Notice that I did not insert any values into the ID column. Now let’s query the table.


SQL> select * from test_tab;
---------- --------------------
1 my first row
2 my second row

As you can see, my ID values have been added as you might expect. In my table creation, I defined this IDENTITY column with:     GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL

The BY DEFAULT clause means that Oracle will automatically assign the next value in the sequence if you omit it in your INSERT statement. If you include it, then Oracle will use your specified value. Consider this:


SQL> insert into test_tab values (4,'specified ID=4');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from test_tab;
        ID VAL
---------- --------------------
         1 my first row
         2 my second row
         4 specified ID=4

As you can see, because I explicitly stated ID=4 and Oracle let that value pass. What happens when I try to insert the next value, which should be 3?

SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('my row after ID=4');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from test_tab;
        ID VAL
---------- --------------------
         1 my first row
         2 my second row
         4 specified ID=4
         3 my row after ID=4

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The above worked as I expected. The next available ID value was used. But will the next insert use ‘4’ or ‘5’?
SQL>  insert into test_tab (val) values ('my fifth row');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from test_tab;
        ID VAL
---------- --------------------
         1 my first row
         2 my second row
         4 specified ID=4
         3 my row after ID=4
         4 my fifth row
Uh-oh! The duplicate value was allowed. I would have expected a Primary Key constraint to be created to enforce the concept of an “identity” value, but that does not happen. What constraints exist?
SQL> select constraint_name,constraint_type,table_name,search_condition from user_constraints;
------------------------------ - ------------------------------
SYS_C004978                    C TEST_TAB
So the only constraint is a NOT NULL check constraint. Now let’s remove that last row and add a PK constraint.
SQL> delete from test_tab where val='my fifth row';
1 row deleted.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> alter table test_tab add constraint test_tab_pk primary key (id);
Table altered.
Now I’ll make sure I have some data to test with.
SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('after pk constraint');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into test_tab (id,val) values (6,'explicitly set id=6');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from test_tab;
        ID VAL
---------- --------------------
         1 my first row
         2 my second row
         4 specified ID=4
         3 my row after ID=4
         5 after pk constraint
         6 explicitly set id=6
6 rows selected.
So I explicitly added ID=6. If this is like when I explicitly added ID=4, my next insert will attempt to use ID=6 and with the PK constraint in place, an exception will be thrown.
SQL> insert into test_tab (val) values ('after ID=6');
insert into test_tab (val) values ('after ID=6')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (PEASLAND.TEST_TAB_PK) violated
So the moral to the story is if you use ON DEFAULT, be prepared to handle identity value collisions. The default is ALWAYS instead of ON DEFAULT. With ALWAYS, Oracle will always use the sequence number generator. If you try to specify an id value, an exception will occur.
SQL> create table test_tab2(id number generated always as identity, val varchar2(20));
Table created.
SQL> insert into test_tab2(id,val) values (1,'first row');
insert into test_tab2(id,val) values (1,'first row')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-32795: cannot insert into a generated always identity column
The view *_TAB_COLUMNS can show you which columns in a table are IDENTITY columns.
SQL> select column_name,identity_column from user_tab_columns where table_name='TEST_TAB';
--------------- ---
ID              YES
VAL             NO
If you use the IDENTITY column in your tables, be careful to test to ensure you understand that it works correctly for your application. I was surprised that a PK or UNIQUE constraint was not automatically included which allowed me to add a duplicate value.

Oracle 12c Top New Features

I figured I would give my top new features for the recently released Oracle 12c database. I think one of the most interesting new features is the Pluggable Database, but it seems like everyone is talking about that. So I’ll focus on other new features that I am interested in. This list is in no particular order.

  • Default Values for Columns Based on Oracle Sequences – This will simplify coding since you won’t have to create a trigger for a new row. This leads to…
  • IDENTITY Columns – I work with a lot of developers that come from a SQL Server background that may appreciate this functionality.
  • Adaptive Query Optimization – The ability for the CBO to recognize that it got the plan wrong and switch to a new plan without DBA intervention is a big leap for Oracle’s SQL execution. This leads to…
  • Dynamic Statistics – Oracle can detect that the stats led to a bad execution plan and use new stats the next time the query is executed. On many occasions, I find that the nightly Stats Gathering autotask is not updating tables’ stats because they are not considered “stale” yet they should be. Too many times, I fix poorly performing SQL simply by updating stats on a table and its indexes when it should be done automatically for me.
  • Concurrent Execution of UNION and UNION ALL – The ability to parallel-ize these branches will lead to much faster executions. In my shop, we do use UNION and UNION ALL in many places in our application.
  • Automatic Data Optimization (ADO) – The ability to automatically move older data to a different storage tier will reduce the DBA’s workload.
  • In-Databaase Archiving – The ability to mark rows as “archived” and hide them from application users without moving will be well received for my company. We have a few processes were we move records from one table to another to archive them.
  • LOGTIME parameter fro Data Pump – Timestamping log entries from a Data Pump run should have been included from the beginning.
  • Move a Datafile Online – The ability to move a datafile while the tablespace is still ONLINE and READ WRITE will mean no downtime for that tablespace.
  • Data Guard Fast Sync – This might just be the improvement which will allow us to implement the MAX PROTECT mode without impacting application performance. I haven’t played with this yet, but Active Data Guard Far Sync looks promising as well.
  • PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT – to truly limit the total PGA size.
  • Queryable Patch Inventory – No longer have to use ‘opatch lsinventory’ if you can query with DBMS_QOPATCH.
  • Last Login Time – now available in SYS.USER$ is the time someone last logged in with that userid.

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I look forward to examining each of these in more detail.

Oracle 12c DB Express

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Oracle Database 12c Arrives

Oracle just launched the newest major version of their flagship product, Oracle Database 12c.

The documentation can be found here.
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You can download the files here. At this time, only 64-bit Linux and 64-bit Solaris (both SPARC and Intel) are available. Other platforms will follow.

CSV in SQL Developer…

…and other formats as well.

I came across this in a recent AskTom article where you can quickly generate output from a query in CSV format using SQL Developer.  The way I have always done it, is to enter the SQL statement in my SQL Worksheet. Then hit Run Statement (CTL-Enter). Right click on the output and choose Export. The wizard walks you through the rest.

There is another way as well. You can use the /*csv*/ hint in your SQL statement and press Run Script (F5) and the output will be shown in CSV format. You can then save the output to a file if you desire. See this screen shot:

There are other formats as well like XML output:

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For more details, see Jeff Smith’s blog entries:



Jeff Smith is the Product Manager for SQL Developer.

ORA-16205 Upgrading to

I am trying to upgrade all of our databases from to this year. My first upgrades were on a 2-node RAC primary with 2-node RAC standby database in a testbed. There isn’t much to this database as it is just a starter database. But this let me test out the upgrade on RAC databases with both a primary and standby. I documented the process along the way.

After that, I was ready to upgrade our development and test databases. I used the DBUA to perform the upgrade and it went off without a hitch. Our dev and test databases are clones of production and we were able to test our custom application with the new version.

Finally, I was ready to upgrade production. Again, I used the DBUA to perform the upgrade of the primary database. But this time, I hit an error:

Whether viagra online shop one has erectile problems due to stress and anxiety. online viagra store Spinal cord injury occurs when there is any damage to the ulnar nerve the messages from the brain cannot transmit to the little finger, it is just like cutting a telephone cord. Symptoms Irritable Bowel Syndrome pain http://greyandgrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Logan.pdf viagra prices in usa can be extremely uncomfortable but manageable once diagnosed so it’s best to stay alert for symptoms. ED caused by viagra price uk http://greyandgrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/WTC-Monitoring-Program-Oct-2010.pdf stress, depression, shift change, lifestyle change and aging is treatable with this wonderful medicine. ORA-16205 log_archive_dest2 contains repeated or conflicting values

Uh oh. This was unexpected as I had not seen this error in any of my previous upgrades. The dev and test databases do not have a standby, so LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST2 is not set. My testbed is set up slightly differently, so I did not catch the issue there. Since this was an unforeseen event, I cancelled my upgrade that evening and decided to get to the bottom of the issue and reschedule the upgrade for a later date.

I discovered that Bug 13387526 (fixed in can cause this issue for this parameter when you do STARTUP UPGRADE on the database. In my testbed, I created a RAC database with a RAC standby. In the primary, I set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 to something very similar to what was in production. I attempted the upgrade on this testbed and ran into the same bug. To get around the problem, I set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 to ‘service=my_standby db_unique_name=my_standby’. With this minimal parameter setting, the upgrade then proceeded correctly. After the upgrade was done, I set this parameter back to its original setting.

Auto Generating Response File

I am working on upgrading multiple databases to the Oracle version. Before the upgrade, I need to install this version on multiple machines. We’ve known for a long time that you can generate a response file and use this for a silent install, speeding up the installation. The way I’ve always created my response file is to open the .rsp sample in a text editor and then in another window, fire up the OUI. I walk through the OUI and then figure out where that screen’s items are in the response file and update the response file accordingly. I recently discovered (although it is completely obvious) that the 11gR2 OUI automatically records your responses as you work through the OUI. When you get to the Summary screen, there is an option to save the responses to a .rsp file.

After pressing the button and saving the response file, you can either Cancel the OUI or proceed with the Install.

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